mdd company GmbH, founded in 2013 with its headquarters in Obernau (Switzerland) is well-known for its consistent, precision »Made in Suisse« quality.
The experience of mdd company GmbH started from Italy in 2001 under the name Steroxy.
Born to help the customers in surface disinfection for food production after few years, and after the numerous requests from the customers, started the test for a new and revolutionary disinfectant for
Medical Devices based on PerAcetic Acid. Few years later and after numerous test has been introduced in the market the HMC powder gamut products.
HMC, HMC Enzy and HMC9 is the first compound powder products gamut intended to satisfy all the medical world to have a high level disinfection and high material compatibility in short contact time but without causing any harm to the operator and to the patient. The HMC gamut products has been the first in PerAcetic Acid powder products without any boron release (as requested from the World Health Organization).
mdd company GmbH is one of the pioneers and leaders in the field of Endoscopic cleaning and disinfection.
Actually mdd company GmbH offers a full line of disinfectant for medical devices and basic flexible endoscopy products like cleaning brushes, biopsy forceps, injection needles, snares.
The company is DIN EN ISO 13485:2016 certified to manufacture products bearing the CE mark.
mdd company GmbH is represented in European countries, as well as several other countries all over the world.

Quality Management
We will provide nothing but the best to our customers – this is the motto of our quality management. Every single employee of mdd Company knows: a product features the extraordinary and uniform quality demanded by us, once it meets the exacting requirements of our customers.
This excellent quality of each individual product is – above all – the result of an optimum collaboration of all members in the overall process.
We are well aware of the fact that our customer requirements and the market are subject to a continuous process of change.
Our quality management works daily on the improvement and further development of all process flows.
Quality control
The high demands on the quality of all our products are a challenge that we are ready to face on a daily basis. Each and every employee gets involved at every stage of the order processing with his knowledge and experience – from the receipt of goods to the research laboratory and to production. Our quality assurance is applied in the production of our innovative decontamination products. We have established the most refined and detailed quality control for nucleic acid decontamination.
mdd Company is committed to continuous control of product quality during production, always in view of the customer requirements. We continuously test in accordance with the legal requirements and the high standards of our own test specifications for nucleic acids degradation and removal. Part of this process is the permanent supervision of the testing equipment, and the development of new tests.